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Electricity Bill

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Why Your Electricity Bill Needs to Go Up

  Electricity electricity bill Energy Minister Power Bill solar Solar panels Solar power

According to the newly appointed Energy Minister Ben Wyatt, power prices should match the cost of delivering the service, which currently stands at 20 per cent above the average household bill.

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More Australians Signing Up To Energy Retailer Hardship Programs

  electricity bill energy debt retailer hardship program solar solar energy systems Solar power

According to the Australian Energy Regulator’s (AER) 2015-16 report on the retail energy market performance, more households are feeling the heat where electricity bills are concerned.

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Is Your Power Company Ripping You Off?

  electricity bill Electricity Prices Electricity Retailer Feed-in tariff Power Company

The wholesale cost of electricity is almost always the focus of power companies when asked why energy costs are rising. The reason for this focus is it’s the one cost that your power company can blame on you.

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How Tesla’s Powerwall Can Slash Your Power Bill

  electricity bill tesla powerwall

Finally, we have the real-world usage figures that combine the market impact of the Tesla Powerwall and solar panel systems. Based on the figures received from Natural Solar, our calculation of Tesla’s Powerwall plus solar panels payback is approximately double what was previously reported 13 years ago; this is while use of solar, without the Powerwall accounts for a huge chunk of the savings on your power bill.

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Is Your Power Company Ripping You Off?

  electricity bill Electricity Prices Electricity Retailer Feed-in tariff Power Company

The wholesale cost of electricity is almost always the focus of power companies when asked why energy costs are rising. The reason for this focus is it’s the one cost that your power company can blame on you.