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Introduction to Solar Power Chargers for Electronics

  electronics Solar power chargers

The benefits of solar-powered chargers <p> It was in 1954, where researchers at Bell Laboratories created the photovoltaic cell, which later evolved into solar cells that transform the heat of the sun into a usable source of energy.

<h2 class="subtitle"> The arrival of solar energy in the mobile era </h2>

<div id="txtd_26973156" class="txtd"> <p> Now, more and more people are using mobile phones and gadgets in the outdoors. This causes a demand for portable chargers for these devices, and so more and more companies are manufacturing portable solar chargers. Fitted with solar panels, these portable sun-powered chargers have become the preferred choice especially for those who love to go outdoors, or have outdoor/field occupations such as mountain rangers. </p>

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<h2 class="subtitle"> The examples of these solar chargers in popular use today include: </h2>

<p> <strong>1</strong>. Small portable chargers that are created and designed to recharge different ranges of mobile phones, smartphones, iPods or any other MP3 player or portable audio gadgets. </p>

<p> <strong>2.</strong> Solar chargers that feature fold-out models, designed to place on your car’s dashboard. </p>

<p> <strong>3.</strong> Solar torches, many of which come with a secondary means of gathering energy such as kinetic energy. </p>

<p> <strong>4</strong>. Public solar chargers that are installed at public places and venues such as parks, squares, and streets where people can re-charge their gadgets for absolutely no charge. </p>

<p> <strong>5. </strong>Solar panels that are fitted to your bag or backpack. </p>

<p> The sun is one of the wonderful benefits of living on earth, so why not make the most of it? Aside from doing our part in caring for our environment, we can also get a free and unlimited source of energy to fuel our devices and electronics. </p>

<p> Originally posted on <a href="" rel="nofollow">MentalItch</a> </p>

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