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Energy Retailer

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Product Review: Wattcost Home Energy Monitor

  analytics apps Energy Retailer home automation product review solar wattcost wireless energy monitor

Many of you have probably heard about home energy monitoring devices and I’ve seen my fair share over the years. Most are hobby type products, that are invariably difficult to install, unreliable and do not show accurate electricity costs with network charges, let alone real-time energy use and solar savings.

<p> Pressing the solar icon changed the real-time display to solar specific information, revealing solar savings per hour, solar generation in watts, percentage of solar utilisation and CO2-e kg/hour offsets. </p>

<meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2017-10-26" />

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<a itemprop="url" href=""><span itemprop="name" style="display:block;"><strong>Wattcost Energy Monitor</strong></span></a><br /> <span itemprop="reviewBody" style="display:block;">Wattcost&#8217;s smart home energy monitor enables families to monitor and manage their power usage and solar energy generation</span><br /> <span itemprop="itemReviewed" itemscope itemtype="" style="display:block;"><span itemprop="name">Smart Energy Monitor</span></span></p>

<div class="entry-meta rating"> <span class="stars" itemscope="" itemtype="" itemprop="reviewRating" bestrating="5" worstrating="1" title="Rated 4.5 out of 5"><span itemprop="ratingValue" class="active" style="width:90%">5.0</span></span> rating <span itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype="" style="display:block;"> by <span itemprop="name">Darryn Van Hout</span></span> </div></p> </div></p>

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Urth Energy Appoints Administrator, Transfers Customers to Other Energy Retailer

  Australian Energy Regulator electricity supply Energy Retailer power supply Solar panels Urth Energy

Urth Energy, a self-billed “boutique” energy retailer centered on solar panels, recently appointed an external administrator, thereby affecting about 800 customers. According to the Australian Energy Regulator, the company suspended its operations in the national electricity market the day after administrators were called in.

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Energy Retailers Angry Over Pricing

  Energy Retailer

Australia’s energy retailers have hit back at claims suggesting consumers are being overcharged for the energy they use. Bruce Dinham, former boss of South Australian company ETSA Utilities, says that energy retailers are more interested in maximising profits rather than reducing costs to consumers.