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Greenhouse Gases
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Australia Expected to RISE Up On Clean Energy
clean energy energy efficiency greenhouse gas emissions greenhouse gases Renewable Energy Renewable Energy Target renewables RISE reportAustralia now ranks 15th out of 115 countries for energy efficiency, energy access and clean energy. This is according to the World Bank’s new RISE report—and you’ll be shocked by the countries sitting ahead of us.
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Canberra Reduces Emissions and Encourages Renewable Energy
Battery storage clean energy energy efficiency greenhouse gas emissions greenhouse gases Renewable Energy Renewable Energy Target renewablesLatest reports from the ACT state reveal a myriad of actions by the Government aimed at driving down emissions from greenhouse gases and accelerating the adoption of clean energy sources across the Territory.
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Hazelwood power station shut down affects electricity prices
carbon gas emissions Fossil Fuels greenhouse gases renewables solar solar battery storage Solar Energy Solar powerThe announcement regarding the closure of Hazelwood Power Station has finally been made, and just as expected, opinions differ about the effect of its cessation on electricity prices in NSW, Victoria and South Australia.
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Greenhouse gas emissions drop due to carbon tax
carbon tax greenhouse gasesThe dramatic drop in greenhouse gas emissions was partially due to the implementation of the carbon tax, says the Greens and other environmental conservation groups. The statement strongly reflects the effectiveness that the carbon pricing system had, prior to being scrapped by the Abbott government in 2014.