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One-quarter of Australian households have installed solar
Home Solar Electric Panel installing rooftop solar panels retail electricity prices rooftop solar boom rooftop solar panels solar solar panels installed solar PV panels and storageAccording to the latest research, Australia is currently experiencing a second rooftop solar boom that is being fueled by the tumbling technology costs and volatile retail electricity prices, with almost one quarter of all Australian households having installed solar panels.
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Grid prices pinch-Australians look to rooftop solar for additional 1GW
high cost of grid Home Solar Electric Panel retail electricity prices rooftop solar boom rooftop solar panels solar solar panels installed solar PV panels and storageLast week, a two-phased research confirmed that Australians should start embracing themselves for another looming rooftop solar boom that has been triggered by the rapidly growing economics of solar PV panels and storage, and the state of retail electricity prices that keep worsening.