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India plans green power integration plan with the national electricity grid
electricity grid green power India renewables Solar EnergyContent PlaceHolder
Coal imports slashed in India’s solar rise
India Solar power thermal coal importsSolar power tenders in India have significantly dropped in price, making the price estimates on the renewable fuel unstable. This dramatic decline in cost has also sparked concerns that the demand for thermal coal imports may be a lot lower than people were relying on.
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India’s Solar Powered Train
India Solar panels Solar power trainFinally, the time has come for India’s first solar powered train to mark its tracks as it operates for the first time. Indian Railways has opted to make use of solar energy to run its transport system, and their very ambitious plan is now fully in action.
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Subsidies cut in India’s solar industry to promote future growth
India solar subsidiesWhen it comes to India halving its solar subsidy program, opinions have been widespread and surprisingly, such news is actually being welcomed by certain groups within the renewable industry.