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Industry Development
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Clean energy sector takes the lead with employment opportunity
Industry Development InternationalAre you aware that between the oil sands industry and clean energy sector in Canada, there are more jobs than ever being offered in the clean energy sector?
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Skyven Technologies solar project wins the ‘Cool Idea! Award’
Companies Industry Development InternationalSkyven Cogen System just won the ‘Cool Idea! Award’ with its innovative solar panel system. It produces energy for both heating water and energy for electrical power simultaneously.
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Solar grid parity is happening by 2017 according to Deutsche Bank
Industry Development Solar powerSolar grid parity is happening within two years according to Deutsche Bank, a global financial institution based in Germany. In fact, solar grid parity is expected to be in up to 80% of the global market by 2017, with even the falling price for oil doing little to slow this shifting energy dynamic.