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Victoria: New Solar Homes Program

  rebates solar hot water rebate solar incentive solar rebates Victoria Victorian Government Victorian Renewable Energy Targets (VRET)

The Victorian Government has just announced the Solar Homes Program. With an investment of $1.24 billion over 10 years, the Andrews Labour Government will see solar panels installed on up to 650,000 Victorian homes.

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Update: QLD interest free loans for solar and storage systems

  government grant QLD Government rebates solar loan solar rebates

It’s time for interest free solar loans for Queenslanders! Starting June 2018, the state Government will provide interest free loans for solar panels and battery storage to eligible Queensland homes.

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No Early Closure For Solar Bonus Scheme

  feed-in tariffs Government new south wales Queensland rebates solar bonus scheme solar power system

Queenslanders have a reason to smile after the Queensland Government ruled out closure of its solar feed-in tariff program known as the Solar Bonus Scheme.

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Latest Solar Rebates and Payments

  feed-in tariffs rebates solar incentives

In an effort to encourage more Australians to install solar PV systems as an alternative source of energy, the Australian government is offering significant rebates to eligible homeowners.

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Solar feed-in tariff Increases in Victoria

  feed-in tariffs rebates solar incentives

Starting July 2017, solar households in Victoria will receive about 20 percent more for the electricity transferred to the main grid.Lily D’Ambrosio, the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change recently announced several feed-in tariff rates lined up for introduction next year.