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Renewable Energy Target

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Queensland Government rejects the LNP energy plan damning it ‘shoddy’

  Powering Queensland Plan Renewable Energy Renewable Energy Target renewables Solar Energy wind and solar power

The Government of Queensland claims the Liberal National Party is using the inclusion of solar energy in its ‘Real Plan’ for energy to hide its ideological obsession with coal.

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Australia nears the 6GW milestone for rooftop solar

  Renewable Energy Target rooftop solar panels small-scale renewable energy Solar hot water Solar panels solar PV panels solar systems

Australians are fast taking advantage of the falling costs of rooftop solar systems in order to beat the ever increasing electricity prices. This has brought about increase in total capacity of small-scale renewable energy systems to 6 GW (6,000 megawatt) mark; the equivalent of 5.

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Victoria Sets Australia’s Most Ambitious Renewable Energy Targets

  green energy large scale solar Renewable Energy Renewable Energy Target Victorian Renewable Energy Targets (VRET)

Last week, the Australian state of Victoria released the most ambitious renewable energy target which stands at 25% by 2020 and 40% by 2025. This announcement was timely and came at a time when the Australian government was awarding two large scale solar projects.

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Renewable Energy Scorecard for Australian States

  Australia Climate Council Fossil Fuels Renewable Energy Renewable Energy Target rooftop solar Solar power

The latest Climate Council scorecard report on renewable energy dubbed GAME ON: THE AUSTRALIAN RENEWABLE ENERGY RACE HEATS UP gives very interesting statistics that reveal a remarkable increase in support for renewable energy across all Australian states and territories.

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Australia’s Investment in Renewables Soars High In the Sky

  large-scale renewable energy Renewable Energy Renewable Energy Target rooftop solar panels small-scale renewable energy Solar Energy

In May this year, one industry report showed Australian solar investments hit a record high in 2016. The 2016 report which was produced by the Clean Energy Regulator, highlighted in great detail Australia’s progress–obviously geared towards the realization of its 2020 renewable energy target.

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Australia Expected to RISE Up On Clean Energy

  clean energy energy efficiency greenhouse gas emissions greenhouse gases Renewable Energy Renewable Energy Target renewables RISE report

Australia now ranks 15th out of 115 countries for energy efficiency, energy access and clean energy. This is according to the World Bank’s new RISE report—and you’ll be shocked by the countries sitting ahead of us.

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Canberra Reduces Emissions and Encourages Renewable Energy

  Battery storage clean energy energy efficiency greenhouse gas emissions greenhouse gases Renewable Energy Renewable Energy Target renewables

Latest reports from the ACT state reveal a myriad of actions by the Government aimed at driving down emissions from greenhouse gases and accelerating the adoption of clean energy sources across the Territory.

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Feasible Interim Emissions Target For Victoria

  Climate change energy efficiency greenhouse gas emissions Paris agreement Renewable Energy Target Take2 Under2 Coaltion Victoria Climate Change Framework

Victoria’s Andrews Labor Government recently announced an impending plot to slash the state’s greenhouse gas emissions by about 15 to 20 per cent less than the 2005 levels come year 2020.

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The future holds clean and free solar energy

  future of solar Renewable Energy Renewable Energy Target Solar Energy

Experts are predicting that solar energy today is just the beginning of something huge. When cellular phones were first released, leading consultants were skeptical, and companies were advised to withdraw their investments.

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Victoria to Exceed Renewable Energy Targets by 2020, Researchers Say

  Renewable Energy Target

Renewable energy targets set by the Victorian government to reach 20% market share by 2020 are expected to be reached on time, if not before the projected dates.

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Emissions decrease direct link to Renewable Energy Target

  Renewable Energy Target RET

Data reports by the Department of the Environment has indicated that annual emissions up to June 2014 indicate that it has dropped by 1.4%. This notable decrease was seen within the second full year of the carbon price and is the biggest emission drop observed during the last decade!

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Negotiations for Australia’s renewable energy target breaks down

  Renewable Energy Target RET

Just a few years ago the two major political parties in Australia agreed on the renewable energy target to optimize renewable energy by the year 2020, hoping that 20% of all household electricity would come from renewable energy sources.

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Silex Solar Dumps Power Plant Due to RET Concerns

  power plant Renewable Energy Target RET Silex Solar

Silex Systems has discontinued its plans to build its 100MW Power Station Project after some serious deliberation regarding the RET. This move naturally affects the Australian Renewable Energy Agency’s $75 million conditional funding for the concentrated photovoltaic power plant.

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Renewable Energy Target Faces Controversy

  Renewable Energy Target

Australia’s renewable energy target scheme is designed to ensure that by the year 2020, 20 per cent of the country’s electricity is produced by renewable sources.

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Yallourn Power Station downsize shows Renewable Energy Target is working

  Renewable Energy Target RET Yallourn Power Station

The peak body for Australia’s clean energy industry said today’s announcement that part of the coal-fired Yallourn Power Station would be mothballed showed that cleaner sources of power were gradually replacing the country’s highest-polluting power generation.