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Origin Energy sets sights on residential solar energy market
Origin Energy Residential solar Solar Energy technologyAs rooftop solar PV systems are expected to grow as much as 5 times within the next 15 years, Origin Energy has decided to concentrate on the domestic solar market.
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Cheap solar for residents #1 goal for Sydney councils
Residential solar Sydney councilsA group of local government councils in Sydney has worked hand in hand to shake things up a bit as far as federal and state policies regarding renewable sources are concerned.
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Going off the grid or making lifestyle changes? get the zero energy one home
Residential SOLETA Zero Energy One HomeIf your preference is for a sustainable home, SOLETA is the perfect house for you. Designed by Catalin Butmalai, this house powers itself with wind and solar energy.
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SA Power Networks: Discouraging Solar Power Storage for Households
Residential Solar power storageIf solar power helps in the decrease of electricity costs for consumers and can cut their bills by half, why is SA Power Networks discouraging energy storage for households?
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More and More Homes Now Have Solar Panels on Rooftops
Residential solar Solar panelsWhat the Report Says According to David Green, CEC (Clean Energy Council) Executive, the one millionth solar powered systems was installed in Australia earlier this year, and it proves the trend that Australians now prefer a cleaner source of power.