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Rooftop Solar Power
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Solar panels capable of supplying California’s energy needs 5x over
Rooftop Solar PowerA study has found that if solar panels were to be installed on the rooftops of all Californian residence, it would generate enough power to supply up to 500% of the states’s energy needs.
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Rooftop solar power continues to gain popularity as costs decrease
Rooftop Solar Power technologyIn the past five years, solar energy has seen very big decrease in price, especially when considering small-scale rooftop solar power. It was not that long ago when the thought of having residential renewable energy was only a ‘nice thought to consider’, whereas today, many families across Australia are now enjoying the benefits of cheaper, cleaner energy.
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Rooftop solar power squeezes profit out of coal power
coal Rooftop Solar Power solarIn a brief moment, rooftop solar power negatively changed electricity prices in Queensland. Currently known for its extensive use of coal power which provides more than 80 per cent of its electricity, Australia will someday be more known for its use of solar power.