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Small-Scale Renewable Energy

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Australia nears the 6GW milestone for rooftop solar

  Renewable Energy Target rooftop solar panels small-scale renewable energy Solar hot water Solar panels solar PV panels solar systems

Australians are fast taking advantage of the falling costs of rooftop solar systems in order to beat the ever increasing electricity prices. This has brought about increase in total capacity of small-scale renewable energy systems to 6 GW (6,000 megawatt) mark; the equivalent of 5.

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Australia’s Investment in Renewables Soars High In the Sky

  large-scale renewable energy Renewable Energy Renewable Energy Target rooftop solar panels small-scale renewable energy Solar Energy

In May this year, one industry report showed Australian solar investments hit a record high in 2016. The 2016 report which was produced by the Clean Energy Regulator, highlighted in great detail Australia’s progress–obviously geared towards the realization of its 2020 renewable energy target.