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Solar Boom
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Solar Boom 2.0 to Lower Costs to Attract More Projects
solar boomThe second solar boom in Australia over the next year is bound to be the biggest ever as numerous large-scale solar energy construction projects get underway.
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As Oil Jobs Dry Up, Workers Turn to Solar Sector
oil decline oil prices solar boom solar sectorBurgeoning solar projects offer opportunities for out-of-work rig hands, roustabouts and pipe fitters. A few years ago, Sean and Stormy Fravel were riding the oil and gas boom like so many others in West Texas.
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Polysilicon Helps Solar Boom Continue
Polysilicon solar boom Solar panels solar power demandThe key component of solar cells, Polysilicon, has dropped to record low prices and isn’t expected to rise any time soon. Polysilicon is form of silicon that is hyper pure, and the second most abundant element on earth.