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Solar Cell

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Solar cell and concentrator Photovoltaic innovation

  concentrator photovoltaic solar cell the George Washington University

Scientists have invented a high-tech solar cell that when combined with concentraor photovoltaic panels, can convert energy at an efficiency rate that is almost twice that of existing solar cells.

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Tesla Unveils New and Exclusive ‘Sleek, Low-Profile’ Solar Panels

  Elon Musk mounting system Panasonic solar solar cell Solar Energy Solar panels Solar roof tiles storage battery banks Tesla tesla solar roofs tesla vehicles

The futuristic Tesla is obviously a massive game changer in the world of technology. From next gen Tesla vehicles, Tesla solar roofs to storage battery banks, the company is becoming absolutely dominant.

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Solar cell technology taken to new heights by University of NSW

  solar cell Solar power

The University of New South Wales has recently launched the world’s first online solar cell simulator. The newly designed virtual simulator enables UNSW engineering students to develop a solar wafer from scratch and compete for maximum efficiencies.

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Solar cell efficiency five times better thanks to Australian engineers

  solar solar cell

With the use of ultra thin carbon nanofibres, Australian engineers were able to enhance silicon solar cell efficiency by 3.8%. Soon people can convert more solar energy from the sun into power with the use of only a few solar panels.