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Solar Installation

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Brookfarm Bakehouse solar installation largest in NSW

  Brookfarm Bakehouse Solar Installation

Brookfarm, one of the most recognizable food manufacturers not only because of their products but also due to their multiple awards, recently unveiled the largest installation of rooftop solar panels in Byron Bay, New South Wales.

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Obama administration training of Veterans in solar installation

  Solar Installation

The U.S. advocacy accelerated its speed to reach its target for renewable energy sources by 2020 with President Barack Obama’s announcement on the training of some 50,000 recruits in solar panel installation.

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Swimming Pools Add $620 A Year To Power Bills

  solar Solar Installation

Solar Installation Cuts Pool Pump Costs A recently released report from NSW’s Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) help explains why households of the same size may have very different electricity bills – with one factor being the presence of a swimming pool.

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Victorian Solar Installation Bid

  Solar Installation

THE first of more than 140 solar systems has been installed as part of a collective community bid to produce more sustainable energy in sunshine-rich central Victoria.