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Solar Project

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Queensland Powering Ahead With Wind and Solar

  Energy Storage greenhouse gas emissions large scale solar Queensland solar and wind energy Solar Energy Solar Farm Solar power Solar project

The Queensland Government recently made announcements in regards to major solar and wind energy projects within the state. This process began with the signing of support deeds for various large-scale solar projects near Oakey, Collinsville and Longreach.

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Apple Announces Major Solar Project

  Apple Renewable Energy Solar project

Multinational tech giant Apple has recently announced they have completed a major solar project in China, and already have plans for another. A 40 megawatt solar PV farm constructed in Sichuan Province, China, is now completed and ready for operation.

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$450 million Solar Project in New South Wales

  new south wales Solar project

One of Australia’s largest solar projects is to be built in NSW after the federal government awarded AGL Energy and photovoltaic manufacturer First Solar a $130 million grant.