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Printed Solar Cells To Stick On Your Roof, Wall And Windows

  Clean tech trends Climate change printed solar trends University of Newcastle video

Solar power harnessing technologies are moving forward in various forms, and are expected to have a significant impact on the accessibility and affordability of electricity for everyone on the planet.

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Solar Trends: HIT Solar Modules

  bifacial HIT Panasonic silicon heterojunction solar cell Solar panels trends

Deployment of new cell technologies is always significant in the solar industry. This time, we will take an insight into one of the most innovative and new technologies in the industry, the HIT cells.

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UNICEF Initiative Aimed at Supporting Startups in the Developing World

  humanitarian open source technology social good trends UNICEF UNICEF Innovation Fund

Charities and NGOs are increasingly turning to different technologies to solve problems in developing countries. With an emphasis on open source technology, issues associated with access to energy, lighting, the Internet and information technology are becoming more accessible regardless of income or nationality.